Chairman’s Desk

MES Fathima Rahim Central School is always compassionate and competative community, which provides every child, with the opportunity to develop holistically and maximise his or her potential. Our goal is the total deveolopment of all students, by understanding their needs, interests, attitudes, aptitudes, talents and calibre. We mould better citizens by motivating them to learn and grow in value integrated curriculum. We have variety of programmes under CCE, according to the CBSE norms, for the co-scholastic and extra-scholastic development of our children. Competent and ambitious teachers, who are steadfast in the vision and mission, are actively working under the principal and section heads. We help students for effective learning by providing well set library and information centre, and smart classrooms from montissori to 10th std. The discipline and orientation are the face values of our school. We unify different cultures, and pupil from different parts of the world, by touching lives, stimulating thoughts, and helping them for learning by  doing

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